RULES 2024/25
1. The League shall be called the Wickford and District Darts League (W.D.D.L.) and will be open to all licensed houses and clubs within an eight mile radius of Wickford. All League matches to be played on Thursday nights unless mutual agreement to change to another night is agreed and the General Secretary informed in advance (as per rules 12a and 12b).
2. The League shall be governed by the Chairman, General Secretary, The Treasurer, The Records Secretary and an executive committee of not more than eight representatives elected by teams in the League from teams in the League.
2a. All matters relating to the League, whether administrative or financial, should be addressed to the Hon. General Secretary.
2b. A sub-committee, from the elected officers and executive committee, to be responsible for the purchase of and distribution of trophies. The Hon. Treasurer to agree expenditure.
2c. The Records Secretary to be responsible for compiling fixtures and the processing of all league and competition results.
2d. In the event that the posts of General Secretary and Records Secretary are not filled by separate individuals the posts may be combined.
3. The league rules will be decided by an Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.). Any rule or decision agreed and voted for at an A.G.M. shall be binding and may not be altered, except at a subsequent A.G.M. or Extraordinary General Meeting (E.G.M.) called within 28 days of the aforesaid A.G.M.. Clubs who fail to attend any A.G.M. or E.G.M. will be fined the sum of £10 (TEN POUNDS). Any team that is not present at our A.G.M. will not be allowed in the following season and will have to seek re-election at a later A.G.M. If a club wishes to leave the A.G.M. before it is closed, the club must ask for permission from the Chairman.
3a. Proposals for alterations of rules must be submitted in writing to the Hon. General Secretary at least six weeks prior to the A.G.M. Only items on the agenda of the A.G.M. will be discussed on the night of the A.G.M.
4. All clubs upon entry into the W.D.D.L. shall pay the sum of £11 (ELEVEN POUNDS), which must be paid before leaving the A.G.M.. Players may be male or female, they must sign a registration form declaring for which team he will play for during the coming season and pay a signing on fee to the League of £4 (FOUR POUNDS). Each club must have a minimum of NINE registered players. No player is allowed to play until their league fees and registration are in the hands of the General Secretary or the Records Secretary. The minimum age is fourteen, but clubs must adhere to the license law and Landlords interpretation of the law. Teams will also have to adhere to any laws regarding D.B.S. checks. Teams shall be allowed to sign players at any point during the winter season.
4a. No player after signing for one club during the season, shall be allowed to sign for any other W.D.D.L. club during the season. (Vic’s Cup is outside this rule).
4b. If a presentation night is held during the season, then all registered clubs must purchase a minimum of three tickets. The tickets to be £3 each and paid for before leaving the A.G.M.. Clubs failing to purchase the minimum of three tickets will be fined the value of the tickets.
5. The maximum number of teams in the League to read 48:-
48 teams 1st Div. 16 2nd Div. 16 3rd Div. 16
47 teams 1st Div. 16 2nd Div. 16 3rd Div. 15
46 teams 1st Div. 16 2nd Div. 15 3rd Div. 15
45 teams 1st Div. 15 2nd Div. 15 3rd Div. 15
44 teams 1st Div. 15 2nd Div. 15 3rd Div. 14
43 teams 1st Div. 15 2nd Div. 14 3rd Div. 14
42 teams 1st Div. 14 2nd Div. 14 3rd Div. 14
41 teams 1st Div. 14 2nd Div. 14 3rd Div. 13
40 teams 1st Div. 14 2nd Div. 13 3rd Div. 13
39 teams 1st Div. 13 2nd Div. 13 3rd Div. 13
38 teams 1st Div. 13 2nd Div. 13 3rd Div. 12
37 teams 1st Div. 13 2nd Div. 12 3rd Div. 12
36 teams 1st Div. 12 2nd Div. 12 3rd Div. 12
35 teams 1st Div. 12 2nd Div. 12 3rd Div. 11
34 teams 1st Div. 12 2nd Div. 11 3rd Div. 11
33 teams 1st Div. 11 2nd Div. 11 3rd Div. 11
32 teams 1st Div. 16 2nd Div. 16 Only two divisions
On all occasions the top two of the second and third divisions to be promoted to division one and two respectively.
6. All matches to be played on a match quality bristle, staple free dart board of standard size, adequately lit with a spotlight which does not cast any distracting glares or shadows. The board will be numbered 1 to 20 with 25, 50, doubles and trebles. The board shall be hung with the centre of the bull to the floor a distance of 5ft. 8” (1.73 mtrs) and a throw line or oche 7ft. 91/4” (2.37 mtrs) along the floor from a plumb line off the face of the board. The diagonal from the centre of the board to the face of the oche to be 9ft. 71/2” (2.93 mtrs).
The home team should also supply a raised oche with the Landlords consent. The General Secretary to be advised of any known difficulties on raised oches. The Committee will vet throws during the season to advise of any discrepancy.
Any venue that does not have a correct measured practice board to open match board to any away team player as soon as they arrive at the venue.
7. A team shall consist of nine players who will each play a player of the opposing team individually. The order of play shall be determined by a draw made by the Captains, each of whom will draw names of the other team. The minimum to be 5 (five). Should a team have 5 players, the opposing team Captain to name only five players. Likewise a team with 6, 7 or 8 players will allow the opposing team Captain to name only 6, 7 or 8 players. This means a full strength team will name players getting the bye.
8. Matches to be 501up, best of two legs out of three, straight start and finish on a double or bullseye. Visiting team to throw first in the first leg of the first game, home team to throw first in the second leg. In the event of legs standing at one all, players to throw for bull to decide who goes first in the deciding leg. If the first player hits the bull or 25 they must remove his dart before the second player throws. In the second game the home team to throw first, the third game the visiting team to throw first and so the pattern continues throughout the match. Points to be awarded: 1 point per game.
9. The score is announced of the darts in the board at the point of the dart touching the board. Where the dart passes under a wire the score is counted from the side of the wire it entered. All darts must be retrieved from the board before the score counts. The referee upon request from the throwing player will say what is left. (NOT HOW TO GET IT OR TRANSLATED INTO DOUBLES).
10. In legs, any game, the exact score must be obtained and any player who obtains more than the required score or number, with any one of his three darts, will not have the score counted.
11. A referee must be appointed by each club playing, home team to mark, away team to call. Their decision will be final. (Disputes will not be accepted if this rule is not adhered to).
Darts for Windows scoring system (or similar) may be used with a monitor. The set up must be vetted by the committee before use.
Scores must be clearly visible to the players and supporters.
12. Matches to be as per fixture list.
12a. Should a game be called off by mutual consent, the General Secretary must be given full details at least 24 hours prior to the game. The League Committee will discuss such a postponement, considering the circumstances, acting under the guidelines of rule 12c. If the game is to be re-played, then a date will be given to both clubs.
The maximum number of matches each team can postpone, due to shortage of players, in a season is two. Any further such postponements will be dealt with under rule 12c.
12b. Should a match be called off due to adverse weather conditions, power failure, act of God etc., the League Committee shall discuss the postponement under the guide lines of rule 12c. If the game is to be re-played, then a date will be given to both clubs.
12c. Any club that fails to arrive for a League match (UNLESS UNDER 12a line 1 or any of 12b) will be dealt with as follows.
(1) The offending club will record a defeat.
(2) The innocent club will be awarded their average points for the current season over ten games (or the minimum of five points) and record a win.
(3) The offending club may be fined £10 (TEN POUNDS). The Committee will decide on compensation to the host team on letter of application, the maximum of £10 (TEN POUNDS), this sum to be added to the fine.
(4) The innocent club must send a list of player’s names and signatures to the Records Secretary within 48 hours of the fixture date.
13. The time of play to be 8.45pm. In the event of either team (home or away) not being ready to start, be it through lateness or non-arrival or for any reason by 8.45pm their opponents MUST report the facts to the League Committee who will discuss the report under the guidelines of rule 12c.
14. The Secretary of the home team shall send the score sheet of the match to the Records Secretary, not later than 24 hours after the match, win or lose. The sheet should show the names of the teams who played, the date of the match, the result of the match and signatures of the playing players of both teams. The sheet must be checked and countersigned by the two team Secretaries as being a true record of the match. Failure to advise the Records Secretary of the result in time for entry on the result sheet could result in the home team being fined up to the maximum of £10 (TEN POUNDS).
15. The League winners shall be decided on points. Should two or more clubs be level on points after all matches have been played, then the championship will be decided on the amount of matches won. If teams are still equal it will be decided by highest leg difference.
15a. All perpetual trophies shall remain the property of the League, but are the responsibility of any team holding them. These trophies are to remain in the pub/club of the winning player/team concerned, except with the permission of the Committee.
Damage or loss of perpetual trophies shall be the liability of the winning team and at all times must be returned to the League six weeks before presentation. Failure to return trophies at least six weeks before presentation will result in a minimum fine of FIVE POUNDS per trophy.
16. Protests or objections must be lodged in writing to the Hon. General Secretary within seven days after the date of the game played. A copy of the complaint to be sent to the opposing team (If another team is involved).
17. The League Committee have the power to suspend any club or player found guilty of wilful breach of the rules. Subject to appeal. The League Committee also have the power to suspend any club or players proven guilty of bringing the name of the W.D.D.L. into disrepute, either by causing a nuisance to other players, to customers, to other clubs or to any Landlord whilst attending or taking part in any games affected by or being played under the rules of the W.D.D.L..
18. Any club found guilty of playing an un-eligible player in their team shall be dealt with under the guidelines of rule 12c.
19. Any club ceasing to be a member of the W.D.D.L. during the playing season shall have their record determined as the League Committee shall decide. No money will be refunded. Any further application by a club bearing the same name as the ceased and playing from the same venue will be judged as would a new application.
20. Gambling on matches or affected matches played under the rules of the W.D.D.L. is strictly prohibited. Violation of this rule could lead to suspension.
21. All fines to be paid within 21 days of notification post mark. Failure to pay on time could result in the fine being increased and could result in a team failing to be elected into the League next season.
1. The draw for cup matches and houses of play will be made by the League Committee. The Secretary of the house of play to be responsible for the social side of the evening. All profits on the night are to go to the funds of the host club (excluding finals night). Clubs must submit their teams or representatives by entering them on the appropriate chalk board or sheet of paper upon arrival at the venue. Only bona-fide league players may enter and no substitutes for representatives will be allowed for any reason whatsoever. Clubs who are unable to attend should notify the League Secretary not less than three days in advance. Any club failing to give the required notice will be dealt with under rule 3 of cup rules. It should be noted that all clubs are automatically entered for all cup competitions apart from the John Obeney Cup, E.S.L. (111 and over finish) Cup and the Quart Pot Pot, which all have self-ruling limitations. The named players who start in the competitions are the representatives throughout the respective competitions.
1a. At all competitions (including money competitions) registration to close at 8.15pm, draw to be completed by 8.35pm and play to start at 8.45pm. PLAYERS MUST BE IN THE VENUE TO REGISTER.
2. Cup matches to be played on a Thursday evening unless altered by the League Committee when due notice will be given.
3. Any club or club representatives who fail to arrive without prior notice (3 days) will be liable to maximum fines as shown for the competitions they should have played in. All fines to be paid within 21 days of postmark of notification. Any representatives who play in a competition and then fail to attend later rounds may be banned from competing in cup competitions the following season. The respective fines for the competition may also apply. Any representatives who cannot attend all rounds of the respective competitions will be withdrawn by the Committee.
4. Any club found guilty of playing an un-eligible player in their team shall be dealt with under rule 17 of League rules.
5. Refer to rule 21 of the league rules.
6. For all League Cup games a Committee representative will be in attendance where possible. If no Committee member is present, the home venue Secretary/Captain will be referee and will be responsible for forwarding all details to the Records Secretary within 48 hours. The Committee have the power to co-opt a member of a team to officiate at cup games. Their decisions will be final.
7. Any player or team failing to chalk after losing in a W.D.D.L. competition may be banned from the relevant competition for the next season.
8. In all competitions order of throw to be decided by a throw for a bull. First named player to throw first. The player who is nearest the bull will throw first in all odd numbered legs (i.e. 1st, 3rd and 5th). If the first player to throw at bull hits a 25 or bull they must remove the dart.
9. In all competitions (except for Joe’s Cup and Peter Hayday Shield) semi-finals and finals will be best of 5 legs.
This competition is open to all members of the Wickford & District Darts League. Games to be 501 up, straight start and finish on a double or bull.
The rules and conditions governing this competition are the same as the Individual’s Cup, with the exceptions that the entries must be the registered Captain & Secretary. The registered Vice-Captain or Treasurer may play if either the Captain or Secretary are unavailable provided that there is a genuine reason.
Legs must be 601 up and both players play as a team.
If a team withdraws from this competition they must pay a £5 (FIVE POUNDS) fine. (Not applicable to League Pairs Competition).
Failure to turn up without prior notice (3 days) will result in a fine up to the maximum of £10 (TEN POUNDS).
The rules for this competition are as the Captain & Secretary Cup. Except that it is open to all members of the Wickford & District Darts League.
This competition is open to all members of the Wickford and District Darts League providing that they are not the clubs DIVISIONAL INDIVIDUAL representative or DIVISIONAL PAIRS representatives. (Landlords may play in this competition providing they are none of the previously mentioned). The JOE’s CUP is a four man team race. Prior to the start of the competition each team must name four players. One reserve player may be named at any stage of the competition, provided they have not played in any of the previously mentioned competitions. Clubs are NOT permitted to change playing format between legs. Games to be 801 up, best of three legs, straight start and finish on a double. If a team withdraws from this competition they must pay a £5 (FIVE POUNDS) fine. Failure to turn up without prior notice (3 days) will result in a fine up to a maximum of £10 (TEN POUNDS).
Rules to be as the Individuals except that the only way to qualify for this competition is to register a 180 in one throw in a W.D.D.L. League or cup competition. EACH PLAYER TO PAY A FEE OF £1 (ONE POUND). ALL FEES TO BE PAID BEFORE THE FIRST ROUND CUP GAMES.
Failure to turn up without prior notice (3 days) will result in a fine up to a maximum of £5 (FIVE POUNDS).
Rules to be as the Individuals except that the only way to qualify for this competition is to register a finish of 111 or more in a W.D.D.L. League or cup competition. EACH PLAYER TO PAY A FEE OF £1 (ONE POUND). ALL FEES TO BE PAID BEFORE THE FIRST ROUND CUP GAMES. Failure to turn up without prior notice (3 days) will result in a fine up to a maximum of £5 (FIVE POUNDS).
This cup is open only to the Hon. League Chairman, Hon. General Secretary, Hon. Records Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and League Committee and Cup Officials.
Points awarded for games played in the League only.
Points awarded: 2 points for a win (a walkover counts as a 2-0 win).
If players are on equal points, the player with the most winning legs is highest.
If players are still equal, the player with the best legs difference is highest.
If players are still equal, the player with the least defeats is highest.
If after all of the above, players are still equal then they are tied.
Rules to be as the Individual’s except that each team may only enter their top two ranked players in the W.D.D.L. individual’s performance tables.
In the event that either the first or second ranked players are not available, teams may apply to play their next ranked player. Application must be made in writing to the Records Secretary.
A separate competition will be held for each division. Trophies to be awarded.
Teams individuals failing to turn up for their match without prior notice (3 days) will be liable to a fine up to the maximum of £5 (FIVE POUNDS). The club concerned will be responsible for the fine. In other matters appropriate League Rules apply.
These competitions are open to all members of the Wickford & District Darts League. An elimination is to be held by each club in order to put forward a pair to represent them in the competition proper against representatives from other clubs in the League.
Games to be 601 up, straight start and finish on a double or bull.
A separate competition will be held for each division. Trophies to be awarded.
Teams individuals failing to turn up for their match without prior notice (3 days) will be liable to a fine up to the maximum of £5 (FIVE POUNDS). The club concerned will be responsible for the fine. In other matters appropriate League Rules apply.
This competition is open to all members of the Wickford and District Darts League that play in division two.
Format of play shall be a three man team race, 701 up, straight start and finish on a double or bull, best of three legs.
Teams may enter as many triples as they like.
Failure to enter at least one triple without 3 days prior notice will result in a fine up to the maximum of five pounds.
This competition is open to all members of the Wickford and District Darts League.
Format of play shall be 501 up, straight start and finish on a double or bull, best of three legs. semi-finals and final shall be best of five legs.
Entry fee £3 (three pounds).
All entry fees and funds raised will be paid out in prizes on the night.
The top four teams in division 1 from the previous season to compete.
Semi-finals (over 2 legs if time allows) and final will be played. If one of the top four do not wish to compete the place will be offered to the fifth placed team then sixth if required and so on.
Format of play will be as per league matches except all games will be best of 5 legs.
1. Vic’s Summer League shall be open to all clubs registered with the Wickford & District Dart League. The League was formed to promote the playing of competition darts for those players and clubs who wished to continue playing through the summer. The format of the league will be decided by the Committee Member(s) authorised by the Wickford & District Dart League to run the competition, and the Records Secretary. This agreed format will depend on the number of teams entering the league and may vary from season to season, but see 6 below.
2. The rules of Vic’s Summer League will be decided in Committee, and not placed before the Annual General Meeting in line with the normal rules of the Wickford & District dart League.
3. A charge of £4 (four pounds) will be made to cover the cost of running the League and the purchase of trophies. Each player shall be male and must be registered with the Wickford & District Dart League. A team shall consist of at least eight players, but no limit, other than that set by the number of games to played, is placed on the number of players who may take part in each match
4. Each club may have up to five guest players in their team. Each guest to pay £3 to register for the season.
5. All matches to be played on a bristle board. The board to be hung 5ft 8 inches from the centre of the Bull to the floor and 7ft 9¼ inches along the floor from the point where the vertical measurement is taken to the Oche.
6. Depending on the number of teams entering the competition, all teams will be put into groups. The groups will be drawn. The winner and runner up of each group will play off on a knock out basis. If the number of teams entered is such that time will not allow a knock out elimination, then the winner of each group will play in the final.
7. Where team’s points are equal, the number of legs for will count - team with the most legs for will take precedence. If teams are still equal, then number of away wins will count, and if still equal the number of away legs won will be counted. If teams are equal after this final elimination then a tiebreaker shall be played to a format decided by the League Committee.
8. Players who register scores of 180 will qualify for the John Obeney Cup. Players who finish with scores of 111 or better will qualify for the ESL Cup.
9. The following format will be used at all matches:
One Fours 801 up (One leg); Two Triples 701 up (One leg), Three Pairs 601 up (One leg); Seven Singles 501 up
(One leg) (Total of 13 legs)
9.1. All games shall be double start and double finish.
9.2. Away team to start then alternate starts.
10. All players’ names are to be entered on the results sheets in a clear and legible way. The players surname must be entered at all times, it will not be acceptable to enter only Christian names, abbreviated names or nicknames. Each player must sign for each leg he plays in.
11. Matches should start at 8.30pm but no later than 8.45pm. If a full team is not present at the start time the match will commence using whatever players are available.
12. However, if the team cannot produce a minimum of six players by 9.15 pm then they forfeit the match. If no players are available by 8.45 pm then the match is also forfeited. Continuity of play must be maintained and if a team is unable to continue because of a shortage of players at any time then the match is also forfeited.
13. The opponents in a forfeited match to be awarded the game by their average score at the end of the season - both home and away leg average to be calculated.
14. If any team fails to fulfil a fixture they will be withdrawn from the Vic's Summer League and, subject to the findings of the League Committee, fined in line with the general provisions of the Wickford & District Dart League Rules.
15. Any matters not covered by the above rules or the existing Wickford & District Dart League rules will be dealt with by the League Committee. All complaints to be made to the Committee Member appointed to the Vic's Summer League and the General Secretary.